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Sacramento Beetle Control

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Sacramento Beetle Exterminators

Jakob Beltran

Pest Control Technician

Jonathan Mitchell

Pest Control Technician

Jackie Murphy

Sales Representative

Common Beetles Found in Sacramento, CA


Billbugs, part of the weevil family, typically range from 1/2 to 1 inch in size. These beetles are identifiable by their long snouts, resembling tiny elephant trunks, and they vary in color from gray to brown. Their white, legless larvae, resembling grubs, live underground and feed on plant roots and stems. Billbugs commonly infest grasses and garden plants, with adults cutting into stems to feed and lay eggs, while larvae cause additional damage underground.

Billbugs generally produce one generation annually, with adults overwintering in thatch and leaf litter. The eggs, laid in grass stems, hatch within one to three weeks, and the larvae feed on the plants. If your lawn or crops show signs of distress, it may be due to billbug activity. Timely detection and intervention are key to preventing damage.

blister beetle

Blister Beetle

Blister beetles are soft-bodied insects that range in size from 1 to 2.5 cm. Their color can vary from ash gray to bright yellow with black stripes. These beetles secrete a chemical called cantharidin, which can cause painful skin blisters. Although once used medicinally, its high toxicity limits its use today.

Blister beetles can cause significant damage to crops and can harm livestock if ingested via contaminated hay. Regular inspection of fields and timely removal of infested hay are crucial steps in managing these pests and protecting both crops and animals.

Carpet Beetle

Carpet beetles are small insects, typically measuring 1 to 4 mm in length, with oval bodies featuring a mix of black, white, and yellow patterns. The larvae, which are slightly larger, are brown to black, covered in dense hairs. These pests enter homes through windows or doors, often brought in with plants and flowers.

Larvae of carpet beetles feed on animal-based materials such as wool, fur, silk, and leather, potentially causing severe damage. Females lay up to 100 eggs during spring, hatching into larvae in about two weeks. Regular cleaning and proper storage of fabrics are essential for prevention.

carpet beetle
citrus longhorned beetle

Citrus Longhorned Beetle

The Citrus Longhorned Beetle is a major threat to Sacramento’s trees. These beetles are shiny black with white spots and can grow up to 35mm in length. They attack trees by feeding on leaves and burrowing into the wood to lay eggs. Infestations are signaled by round holes, exposed roots, and sawdust-like frass around the base.

Control requires a thorough inspection, and infested trees must be removed to stop the spread. This invasive pest, introduced from Asia, is harmful to trees like pecan, apple, sycamore, pine, and willow. Early detection is crucial for tree protection.

Click Beetle

Common across North America, click beetles have long, black or brownish bodies. Adults grow to about 1/2 to 1 inch in length. As nocturnal insects, they are attracted to light but hide in dark places during the day.

Their larvae reside in the soil, where they feed on small insects, plant roots, and seeds. Some species may harm crops. If you notice adult click beetles indoors, they could be seeking shelter from the cold or searching for food.

click beetle


Fireflies, or lightning bugs, are beetles that light up warm summer nights. There are about 200 species found in the U.S., mostly near water sources like ponds and streams. Fireflies don’t sting, bite, or carry diseases, but large numbers can be a nuisance.

They glow to attract mates and lay eggs in damp soil, where larvae feed on small insects. Sacramento Pest Control offers solutions to reduce firefly populations, making your outdoor space more comfortable and peaceful.

Foreign Grain Beetle

Foreign grain beetles are reddish-brown insects that grow about 2 to 3 mm long. They are commonly found in grain storage areas but also thrive in moist environments like damp walls and humid bathrooms. These pests feed on dead insects, moldy grains, and fungi.

Preventing foreign grain beetles involves keeping storage spaces dry and clean. Inspect and discard any contaminated food products. Proper ventilation and regular cleaning can prevent infestations from taking root.

foreign grain beetle
ground beetle

Ground Beetle

Ground beetles, found in Sacramento and throughout the country, are black insects with flat, elongated bodies measuring between 1/16 and 1 inch. They hide in dark places during the day and become active at night, climbing trees and structures in search of food.

Though ground beetles help control pests like larvae and slugs, large numbers can turn into a nuisance. To prevent them, remove debris around your property and seal cracks to eliminate hiding spots.

Japanese Beetle

Japanese beetles are known for their metallic green bodies and bronze wings. They feed on over 300 different plant species, chewing leaves and flowers and leaving a “skeletonized” look. Their grubs cause further damage by feeding on the roots of grass.

Sacramento Pest Control targets both adult beetles and larvae with our safe, effective treatments. We work to protect your plants and ensure your lawn remains healthy.

japanese beetle
june bug

June Bug

June bugs, also known as May beetles, are scarab beetles seen in late spring and early summer. Adult beetles are reddish-brown and often crash into windows due to their erratic flight. The larvae, called white grubs, are soft, off-white, with six legs and brown heads.

June bugs feed on plant leaves, causing visible damage. The larvae feed on grass roots, leading to dry patches in lawns. This can attract moles and voles, which dig through the soil in search of the grubs.

Asian Lady Beetle

Asian Lady Beetles, around 7 mm in length, can be yellow to red with spots and have a distinctive “M” shaped mark behind their heads. While they’re helpful for reducing aphid populations, they can be troublesome when they enter homes in large numbers.

Sacramento Pest Control deals with this by sealing openings around windows, doors, and other potential entry points. We also install screens to block their entry and remove any nearby leaf piles or debris that could serve as hiding places.

asian lady beetle
stink beetle

Stink Beetle

Stink beetles, also called darkling beetles, are common in decaying vegetation, under logs, or in sandy environments. These beetles range from 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches in length and are typically dark brown or black. They release a strong odor when threatened as a defense.

At Sacramento Pest Control, we address stink beetle issues by removing their natural habitats and maintaining clean outdoor spaces. We also ensure your home is sealed to prevent entry. If you’re dealing with stink beetles, contact us for expert pest control services.

Whitemarked Spider Beetle

Whitemarked spider beetles in Sacramento are light brown with white hair patches on their wings. Resembling tiny spiders with long legs, these pests grow up to 1/4 inch in length. They typically infest damaged or spoiled grains, cereals, and dried fruits.

These beetles prefer humid environments and are often found in homes and food storage facilities. They can also infest museums and libraries. Female beetles lay eggs in cracks close to food, with larvae maturing in about two to three months.

whitemarked spider beetle

Our Beetle Control Process is Simple

Initial Treatment

Our beetle treatment starts with a detailed inspection of your property to determine the specific beetle species and the extent of the infestation. This step ensures we choose the most effective treatment.

Once the inspection is complete, we create a tailored treatment plan. We focus on eliminating both adult beetles and larvae to ensure a comprehensive solution and protect your home from future issues.

beetle initial treatment
beetle follow-up treatment

Follow-Up Treatment

Sacramento Pest Control emphasizes follow-up treatments to completely eliminate beetles. After our initial treatment, we schedule a return visit to confirm its success. This follow-up helps us identify any lingering beetles or signs of new infestations.

We carefully examine the treated areas during this visit and apply additional treatments as needed. This step disrupts the beetle life cycle, reducing the chance of future problems. We aim to keep your home beetle-free and pest-free.

Ongoing Prevention and Monitoring

At Sacramento Pest Control, we provide thorough beetle prevention and monitoring services. Our skilled team inspects your property to find entry points and sources of infestation. We recommend routine cleaning and proper food storage to reduce beetle attractants.

We set up traps during peak beetle activity to detect early signs of infestations. By acting quickly, we prevent beetle problems from becoming serious. Sacramento Pest Control ensures continuous protection for your property.

beetle ongoing prevention

Call us to get a professional pest control service in Sacramento, CA.

sacramento california service

We Proudly Serve Sacramento and the Surrounding Areas

We’re proud to serve Sacramento and its surrounding neighborhoods. Our team works diligently to protect your homes and businesses from pests. We care about these communities and are focused on delivering exceptional service and results.

Sacramento Beetle Control FAQs

In Sacramento, beetle control starts by identifying the beetle species, such as Japanese beetles, carpet beetles, or billbugs. Regular inspections and good sanitation are crucial for preventing infestations. Sealing entry points and limiting outdoor lighting can also help keep beetles away.
We use both non-chemical and chemical treatments. Non-chemical methods like vacuuming and moisture control are effective. If necessary, we apply insecticides specifically designed for the beetle species. Our treatments are safe and provide effective beetle control.

Take back your home from pests! Contact Sacramento Pest Control today for a safer, pest-free living space.

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